Monday, October 12, 2009

The End of the World

There are many thoughts on when, what, and how will the world end and if it will ever happen. This is a humorous scenario of how the world will end. The first time I came across this video was about 7 years ago on "Funny Junk" and I thought it was the funniest thing I have ever saw in my life. The truth is for awhile I thought to myself, "Hell this could really happen."

The video was made a couple years after 9/11/01 and the general idea of it was that someone (George Bush) would fire some missiles at China and it would start a chain reaction of missiles flying everywhere and blowing up everyone. After the unnecessary missile fight the world goes through a ice age stage and everyone dies; except for Australia. Somehow California survives and detacths itself from North America to hang out with Hawaii and Alaska. To be completely honest I really could see this happening, well except for the California part.

Of course this is just a video for laughs but it's very possible that a higher authority decides to attack another country and they retaliate and we all go into a nuclear holocaust. There is also the Mayan theory that world will just be destroyed by mother nature. That theory is very possible as well, but in my opinion this video is most likely going to be the real way the world ends.

This video points out the fact that we have a ton of nukes and so does many countries in the world. Those nukes are upgraded and made more dangerous every year so if one nuke was to go off and hit another nuke then twice the damage will be done which might blow up most of the earth and everyone on it.

This video was made to joke around about the possibility of human beings blowing up the earth. Yes it's really scary when you think that the world could end at any moment, but this video was made to make you laugh and realize that life could end by the hands of an idiot; so have fun with your life before that happens and keep making stupid videos on YouTube till then.


  1. I really enjoyed the video clip and post. I dont think we should ever worry how the world is going to end because it is inevitable. The clip was very funny. Great Post!

  2. Hahah OMG my friend showed me this a while ago and i couldn't stop laughing! it's stupid, but kinda true with most of the world's superpowers having nucular bombs, if somebody decided they wanted to shoot one, it would be a international disaster. Good post!

  3. Beautiful...
    Such humor in the possibility of doom. I know exactly where I will be when the pressure gets high. Everyone should put together a fallout plan just in case.

    Thank you for sharing this video, it was like hanging out in someones mind for a minute and thirty four seconds.

  4. Wow.. I could not believe when I saw that video. It was funny and vulgar at the same time. The world is eventually going to end but not like that!!! Good Job

  5. Very funny video, I enjoyed it a lot. I've seen it somewhere before, just not sure where. But i agree with the first comment, the end of the world is inevitable and its when we least expect it.

  6. This video was the height of humor when I was in 7th grade. Fond memories...although at the time I don't think I had the will nor capacity to see it in a political light.

  7. I can remember watching a movie in 9th grade about what will happen when the nuclear war starts, it was pretty scary, this clip lightens it up a bit, but with the way the world is going I think this could be a real possibility.

    It's a really scary thought that in 26 mins or so your world could end because of someone else and his veiws on life. It'll happen someday, maybe it won't be a nuclear war, but something will happen. I guess all you can do is live your life to it's fullest until then.

  8. I remember seeing this video a number of times. It brings tons of humor to something so serious. When thinking about the possibilities of this happening the video become more scary them funny.
