Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Is Abortion An Option?

If you were to ask yourself what is one of the most controversial subjects in the world; abortion would be one of the answers. I believe abortion is really controversial in today's society. In my oppinion I believe a woman should have the choice to either keep a baby, give it to adoption, or have an abortion. Many people hope that the woman won't pick the last option, but sometimes she will.

When a woman makes the decision to have an abortion many thoughts come to her mind like ,"Am I doing the right thing," or ,"I can't wait to get this done and over with," or even, "I can't believe I am doing this." I can't stand those kinds of people that stand outside of the clinic to protest and yell at all the women that go there, don't you think they feel bad enough that they are going there already. I mean imagine yourself going to a clinic, you would be feeling a ton of emotions already, mostly guilt or embrassed or even saddened, and then some asshole comes up to you screaming at your face and telling you are a terrible person.

I am one of those people that thinks it's ok for a woman to make that kind of decision. I may not like the action that is being done but I do support people that decide to get an abortion. Of course they could give the baby away to a orphanage, but sometimes that can't be the best option for that certain woman. Or she could even keep the baby, but she may not be able to rise it or the baby could remind her of a terrible person or moment that mother expreinced. That is the main reason why I support people that get abortions, sometimes the mother was possibly raped and got pregnant afterwards, I know I wouldn't want to give birth to a child that reminds me of the person that violated me.

So now you know how I feel about abortion, I think a woman should have a right to make that decision, no matter how good or bad it is. But I want to know how you all feel about it. Do you think it's ok for a woman to make that decision? How do feel about my point of view on it? And finally do you think abortion is an option?


  1. This is a reallllly controversial topic- people have died fighting for their stances on it. I consider myself pro-choice because I think it's unfair to make a generalization when every case is different. Women who are uneducated, poor, in bad relationships, ill, raped,on drugs, or otherwise shouldn't be forced to have an unwanted child. It's not fair to the child, either. Most children in orpahanges end up bouncing from home to home in Foster Care, taken in for a paycheck. You can't guarantee this child a safe, happy home with opportunities. That said, I don't think I could ever abort a fetus (because that's all they are in the first stages of pregnancy) if I were to get pregnant- I think that as emotional as I can be, it would scar me for the rest of my life. While I agree that every woman should have the right to choose, I also think that abortion shouldn't be used as a means of birth control or a convenient way out. I know wayyyyy too many females with that mindset and it's really sickening.

  2. I agree with you. It should be choice. and i never understood why people try to control wether or not someone can get an adoption. It is noones business but the person going to get one.

  3. i wrote about abortion too and so i agree with you 100%

  4. yes. i agree with you. I am pro choice, but I do think that an abortion SHOULD be the LAST option necessary. my mother was adopted and if my real grandmother had an abortion i would not have been born. But I do understand why some woman do have them still. i believe what ever happens, happens, and if the mother has an abortion, that is her decision.

  5. i agree i think that abortion should be legal if a girl gets raped then i think they should have the choice to abort if they want to.
