Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bumper Sticker

Bumper Sticker Philosophies

If I was to have a bumper sticker to describe my life and my attitude towards life I believe my bumper sticker would be, “Life’s not perfect.” I would pick this bumper sticker because it is short and simple and it doesn’t only reflect my life, but others as well. This bumper sticker shows that I have a sense of humor and understand the fact that nothing is perfect in life.

Think about a time when you were having a great day and you thought that nothing could happen and suddenly you step in a puddle or on some gum, instead of yelling on the top of lungs and making yourself look like an idiot just say, “Life’s not perfect,” and go on with the day. The world is already pretty messed up right now with all the economy problems, government issues, war, ect. All I am saying is that life is short and of course bad things are going to happen, but that’s how life is.

I believe that would be the perfect bumper sticker for me also because I don’t worry about most things in the world, I live my life and have fun. If life was perfect then everything would be dull and you would just get everything handed to you… even though that sounds pretty cool it is not. Be optomistic about things that go on in this crazy world. It may be all bad right now but it could all change soon. Like I said life is too short to worry about things, have fun and don’t forget that life isn’t perfect.


  1. I agree with you. It's always best to stay optimistic and not let the small things get to you.

  2. Time spent worrying about all the bad things is time wasted. As you point out you just wanna have fun and that can't be done when worrying about things.

  3. Heh, our blogs are similar. Even down to the point that if life were perfect, it would be boring. I like that.


  4. i feel the same way man life is wasted when you spend it worrying about how it can be better!

  5. good point i agree.. worrying abot stuff is pointless.

  6. i agree with this. Lie is a constant struggle and everyone has to work hard to push through it.

  7. good point, worrying never changes anything, it just makes you feel worse

  8. You and Brian must sit next to eachother in class ;) But seriously, this is so true! Sometimes we just have to realize that life is going to be wonderful all the time, suck it up, and enjoy the good times instead of dwelling on the bad ones!

  9. AGREED! the fact that life isn't perfect is a blessing! i think people should love that fact that everything isnt handed to them, cuz if it was, then they wouldnt appreciate the little things in life. =]

  10. Seems to be a popular topic, but I agree. We need to stop worrying about the little things and focus on what's important.

  11. A lot of people expect life to be fair or perfect, so this is a good philosophy to have.
