Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Save The Whales

So my assignment was to find a controversial picture and I believe I found one. Imagine you are walking down a street enjoying a nice day outside and you look up and see this bill board. The bill board is from the animal friendly group "Peta"; the group that cares more about animals than humans.

Peta may have had the intentions of trying to put out a good message but it could really offend a lot of people. This could offend people that eat meat or obese people. The picture shows a fat woman at the beach and written next to her is "Save The Whales"; that kind of already explains it right there.

Of course the message Peta is trying to send is " Lose the blubber, go vegetarian." The message may seem harmless at first and may sound like a good thing but at the same time it's not. I do agree that people should eat more healthy foods but to put up a bill board with that image and with those words it could really hurt some one's feelings or self esteem.

In my opinion this picture is controversial. Picture yourself as a obese person and you see this and ask yourself, "How do I feel about this?" Either it will offend you or you will say screw it I don't care. Like I said in my opinion this picture is controversial and I do believe more than a hand full of people will get offended.


  1. Controversial and pulls that angry feeling that I keep deep down inside. Perhaps more people would save the whales and what ever other animal is in need of saving it Peta showed some Tact. What does an overweight woman have to do with blubber according to their cause? I was Under the impression that Eskimos were the blubber consumers, aren't they in cold weather? Is that not a woman on a beach in a bikini? Peta just wanted attention. The bastards, they should pick the right fight.

  2. I agree with Renica. How is obesity related to meat-eaters? There are fat vegetarians and skinny non-vegetarians. I understand how they may want to save the whales, but this billboard took it one step too far, and frankly does not make sense.

  3. this picture is controversial to some. I do not have an opinion on this picture because it has nothing to do with me. now i will say i hate seeing people on the beach in stuff that they stole out of their daughters closet its just not right.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree with Professor D and Renica on this one. PETA always tries to push the envelope and gain attention, but this one is really streching it. I don't see how the two ideas correlate.
