Wednesday, September 9, 2009


There are tens of thousands of guitar players in the US, and they include players of all skill levels who play all kinds of music. I am one of the tens of thousands of the guitar players in America. I believe that it's important for a person to learn how to play a musical instrument whether it's the guitar, piano, saxophone, drums, or even the triangle. I believe this because it's a great learning experience, it's an amazing stress reliever, and it's just a fun thing to do.

Playing an instrument is one the best things someone could ever learn how to do other than learning a second language. At first the process on how to play may be a bit hard but if you practice and you are dedicated to it then you will have no problem learning. there is not just one type of genre you could play on a guitar or any other instrument; there are hundreds of different genres. Plus you don't only learn how to play the instrument; you learn how to express yourself through the music you play. As learn how to play the music you also learn about other cultures like: Who invented the genre? When and where it was played? Was it played at festivals? You can learn a lot from music.

In my opinion playing an instrument is a big stress reliever; trust me i know this for a fact. There have been days when I have just wanted to go insane and punch someone in the face but instead I sat down with my guitar and played some music. When someone listens to music it calms them down, but when someone is playing the music themselves it makes the individual feel a million times better. You could play something happy, sad, mellow, brutal, or whatever makes you calm.

Overall playing an instrument is just fun to do. You could have days that you just hang out with your friends and play random songs and have a blast. There was a time when a couple of my friends and I had a two day "jamfest" in the basement. Music brings people together no matter what you. The song could be sad, angry, happy, or just so weird you don't know what you are listening to, but it would still have people laughing and having a great time, especially when you are the ones making the music.

All I am trying to say is if you ever get the chance to learn how to play an instrument, do it, you will love it. I have been playing guitar for 6 1/2 years so far and it has gotten me through a lot of tough and good times. Like I said it's a great learning experience, an amazing stress reliever, and just fun to do. So pick up an instrument and go crazy and as Tommy Lee has said, "Let the good times roll."


  1. That's awesome man i really wish i would have picked up an instrument at a young age, reading this makes me want to learn how to play guitar lol this is very well written.

  2. i used to play the drums about 3 years ago. I wasn't really good but unfortunatly i had to part with the drum set.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I always wanted to learn how to play an instrument. Always gave up though as soon as I realized i wasn't very good at it. I might try again sometime.

  5. I think that playing an instrument is a very good thing to learn I just dont have the patients to do that. It has been a long time since i have tried but i can see why it would relieve stress. I recognize that just listening to music helps to calm me down.
